Origami Rose Instructions

This beautiful origami rose is the best gift for a loved one! Giving a rose that you have folded yourself is a gesture of pure love and devotion.Obviously, a lovely glossy red paper will be very effective for the rose, but for a different take, why not try some cooler colours or patterns?

Diagram Instructions

These diagrams are designed to be used with the video of the folding method. They are meant as a "memory jogger" only. This is because this model is best learned by being shown directly, as some of the three-dimensional folds can be challenging.
1. Make these creases.
2. Form the 4 corners.
3. Flatten, while rotating counter-clockwise.

4. Turn over.
5. Form the 3D rose by taking each top right corner and folding to next quadrant, counter clockwise.

6. Form rose within the palm of your hand.
7. Turn over and smooth inside of rose, by pressing down slightly at the base.
8. Fold down edges and tuck in to form the bottom of the rose.

9. Turn over, open centre of flower and smooth.
10. Roll the petals down to curve them. Finished rose.

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